Saturday, June 28, 2014

Only three workdays left at Rising Star! It's going so fast!

During education on Wednesday, I got struggle children almost every class period. I wanted to explode. I don't have patience for struggle children. And the language barrier makes it that much more difficult.

At construction this week, we carried bowls of bricks on our head from a pile at the beginning of the colony to the furthest house in the colony. We work with two Indian workers names Milo and Deveraj who are absolutely hilarious! They call me "sister" or "Rebekkah-madam"and tell us we are "Super!" frequently. That's about the extent of their English other than "How old?" and "Photo!" They are constantly concerned about us taking breaks or getting blisters.

We took a tour of the colony in which microgrants have been implemented. It is amazing the difference between that colony and the others. Microgrants are truly making a difference!!! We also stopped for Parotha afterward which is... very eggy naan? It's fantastic and you dip it in a green sauce.

Yesterday we went to Pondicherry (think Life of Pi). I was hoping for some civilization. But it was still India. We went to a wonderful French bakery and an Italian restaurant run by a VERY Italian man, blowing kisses our way and everything. Lots of shopping again... Lots of money again... One street vendor trying to sell me drums told me he would trade me drums for my eyes. There were some news reporters at the Gandhi statue that wanted to take pictures of me and my roommate. He said we would be in the Monday edition. Someone at dinner joked about is accidentally being put in the "brides classified" section (which exists).

We leave for Jaipur at 2 am on Thursday. I can't wait to see the Taj Mahal and ride elephants!!!


  1. I bet he wanted to trade those amazing eyes for the drums! Gorgeous! What are microagents? Can't wait to see what you bought! Have fun on the elephants and have a safe trip! We'll be working on getting that paperwork for Regents. See you next week. Great to hear from you! Love you!

    1. Also, I'm interested to know how it felt to carry the bricks on your head? Don't they have wheel barrels over there?

  2. Wow, your trip IS going fast. Of course, I'm reading about it from a comfy couch, and you're the one carrying bricks on your head...
